tools and equipment 101 Feel the Heat READ MORE With the cold weather approaching, make sure you stock up on these heaters to stay warm and beat the cold Canadian winter. 10/17/2022 2022 cold weather equipment heaters kerosene kerosene heaters mrheater november propane heaters winter essentials Blog Array: [ id;[blog52], title;Feel the Heat, url;ocs-academy-blogs/mr-heater-feel-the-heat-in-winter, desc;With the cold weather approaching, make sure you stock up on these heaters to stay warm and beat the cold Canadian winter., date;10/17/2022 12:00:00 AM, category;tools-and-equipment-101, image;[], type;, tags;[2022, cold weather equipment, heaters, kerosene, kerosene heaters, mrheater, november, propane heaters, winter essentials]]