school of safety supplies Must-Have Items for Your Roadside Emergency Kit READ MORE Getting stranded on the side of the road is the last thing on anyone’s mind when they plan a road trip, but it’s best to always be prepared! That’s why this time we discuss the items that you should always have in your vehicle, just in case. 1/5/2022 2022 alarms battery booster packs and chargers booster cables featured first aid kits first aid supplies january safety safety alarms and warnings snow and ice removal snow shovels Blog Array: [ id;[blog34], title;Must-Have Items for Your Roadside Emergency Kit, url;ocs-academy-blogs/diy-roadside-emergency-kit, desc;Getting stranded on the side of the road is the last thing on anyone’s mind when they plan a road trip, but it’s best to always be prepared! That’s why this time we discuss the items that you should always have in your vehicle, just in case., date;1/5/2022 12:00:00 AM, category;school-of-safety-supplies, image;[], type;, tags;[2022, alarms, battery booster packs and chargers, booster cables, featured, first aid kits, first aid supplies, january, safety, safety alarms and warnings, snow and ice removal, snow shovels]]