wonders of welding Prevent Arc Eye with AGO Products READ MORE Ever heard of “Arc Eye”? Well, read this blog to learn more about what arc eye is and how AGO welding screens can help prevent it. 8/11/2021 2021 august welding welding protection welding screens and blankets Blog Array: [ id;[blog15], title;Prevent Arc Eye with AGO Products, url;ocs-academy-blogs/prevent-arc-eye-with-welding-screens, desc;Ever heard of “Arc Eye”? Well, read this blog to learn more about what arc eye is and how AGO welding screens can help prevent it., date;8/11/2021 12:00:00 AM, category;wonders-of-welding, image;[https://gdlweb-cgbwb2htdtbadphc.z01.azurefd.net/images/26-prevent-arc-eye-with-welding-screens_featured.webp], type;, tags;[2021, august, welding, welding protection, welding screens and blankets]]